Ken, N6RO (photo by N6TV) |
NCCC: Once a member -- Always a member!
NCCC is much more than a world-class Contesting Club. It's a fellowship of ham radio operators who are among the most knowledgeable and friendly in the hobby.
This Gallery is an attempt to honor our membership by putting faces to those famous callsigns. Over 600 members are represented in this Gallery.
Those photos highlighted in a Green Background also link further to a Station Photo or QSL Card ... or both. |
Please email K6MM at for further information if:
1. You would like to display your Station Photo or QSL Card
2. You would prefer a different photo for your headshot
3. You can help provide a photo for those callsigns missing a photo
4. You have any feedback -- be gentle!
Scroll Down or use the Quickjump Menu => Callsigns starting with A K N W DX
Note: Callsigns are sorted from "Left" to "Right", by Prefix, not Suffix
Callsigns Starting With

Mark, AA6DX |
 Peter, AA6SF |

Don, AA6W |

Art, AB4RL |
Chuck, AD6GI |
 Robert, AD6I |

Andy, AE6Y |
Kirby, AF6OP

Jim, AF6PU |

Scott, AF6RT |
 Stefan, AF6SA |

Phil, AG6FU |
 Bill, AI6JZ |

Walt, AJ6T |

Ed, AJ6V |

Chuck, AK6DV |
Callsigns Starting With

Ira, K2RD |

Bob, K3EST |
Jack, K3FIV |
Ed, K6AAM |

Len, K6ANP |

Barb, K6BL |
Bert, K6CSL |

Dave, K6DAJ |

Fred, K6DGW

Verne, K6DN |
Ed, K6EGF |
Elliott, K6EL |
Ed, K6ELE |
John, K6ESL |

Tom, K6EU |

Frank, K6FCW |

Ross, K6GFJ |

Don, K6GHA |

George, K6GT |

Vic, K6IC |

Dan, K6IF |

Fred, K6IJ |

Armand, K6IP |

Jim, K6JAT |

Jack, K6JEB |

John, K6JJ |
David, K6JOX |

Jim, K6JS |

Russ, K6KLY |

Roberto, K6KM |

Kay, K6KO |

Bill, K6KQV |

Dick, K6KR |
Steve, K6KS |

Rick, K6LE |

Dick, K6LRN |

Terry, K6ME |

John, K6MI |

Mike, K6MKF |

Mike, K6MLF |

John, K6MM |
Richard, K6MMU |

Ken, K6MR |

Bob, K6NV |
Jim, K6OK |

Bob, K6ON |
 Michael, K6OR |

Mark, K6OWL |
Bruce, K6OY |

Rob, K6RB |
Shiloh, K6RBT |

Barry, K6RM |

Alan, K6SRZ |

Barry, K6ST |

Dave, K6RC |
Rich, K6RFM |

Ken, K6TA |

Kevin, K6TD |

Bruce, K6TIG |

Peter, K6TJ |

Carolyn, K6TKD |
Tyler, K6TLR

Mark, K6UFO |

Steve, K6UM |

Rick, K6VVA |

Jon, K6WV |

Kristen, K6WX |

Ron, K6XC |

Ted, K6XN |

Bob, K6XV |

Bob, K6XX |

Joanna, K6YL |
 Mitch, K7DX |

Denis, K7GK |
Harry, K7GQ |

Allan, K7GT |

Shelley, K7MKL |

Kurt, K7NV |

Dick, K7VC |

Tim, K7XC |

Jim, K9JM |

Jim, K9YC |

Dave, KA6BIM |

Ted, KA6W |
Bryan, KB0A |

Dan, KB9AX |

Roger, KD6UO |

Jerry, KD6WKY |

Rich, KE1B |

Jeff, KE6AYK |
 Jay, KE6GLA |

Gary, KE6QR |
Tim, KE6TIM |

Ken, KE6WC |

John, KE6ZSN |
 Giiueseppe, KE8FT |
Robert, KF0G |
Larry, KF6NCX |
 Rafael, KG6DQL |

Chris, KG6O |

Carrol, KG6YPH |

Todd, KH2TJ |

Bill, KH6GJV |

Lloyd, KH6LC |
Shel, KI6ATA |

Alex, KI6EZ |

Lee, KI6OY |
Sakae, KI6P |
Marcus, KI6WDX |

Richard, KJ6RA |
 Dave, KK6DF |

Jake, KK6L |
Jan, KM6G |

Gordon, KM6I
Cliff, KN6DH |

Sandy, KO6JF |

Saraj, KU6F |
Monte, KU7Y |
Tom, KW6S |

Denny, KX7M |

Nick, KZ2V |
Callsigns Starting With
Bill, N0KQ |

Bob, N2NS |

Roger, N3RC |

Tom, N3ZZ |

Trey, N5KO |

Tom, N6AJR |

Ric, N6AJS |

Bill, N6BCT |

Dean, N6BV |

Larry, N6CCL |

Rebar, N6DB |

Dean, N6DE |

Dana, N6DW |
Jeff, N6DZR |

Ron, N6EE |
Joe, N6ENO |

George, N6GEO |

Jeff, N6GQ |

Rick, N6GY |

Ron, N6IE |

Jim, N6JS |

Norm, N6JV |
 Vicki, N6KLS |

Rich, N6KT |
 Mel, N6MCM |
Dennis, N6NG |

Andy, N6NU |

Byron, N6NUL |

Dave, N6NZ |
 David, N6ORB |
 Elliott, N6PF |

Matt, N6PN |

Rick, N6RK |

Rick, N6RNO |

Ken, N6RO |

Mark, N6SF |
 Steve, N6SJ |

Rick, N6SPP |

Doug, N6TQS |
 Lew, N6VV |

Chris, N6WM |

Walt, N6XG |

Rick, N6XI |

Fred, N6YEU |

Bill, N6ZFO |

Mike, N7MH |

Terry, N7TW |

Yin, N9YS |

Steve, NA6G |
David, NC6D |
 Steve, NC6R |

Richard, NC6RJ |

Tom, ND2T |

Clay, NF1R |

Reg, NH6T |

Garry, NI6T |
Dennis, NJ6G |

Javier, NM6E |
Jim, NN6EE |

Matt, NQ6N |
 Greg, NR6Q |

Tim, NU6S |

Tom, NW6P |
Callsigns Starting With

Ed, W0YK |

Bob, W1RH |

Steve, W1SRD |

Tom, W2SC |
 John, W5AIM |
Lucas, W6AER |

Chris, W6ATV |

Scott, W6CT |

Bob, W6CYX |

Don, W6CZ |

Chuck, W6DPD |

Dave, W6DR |

Jim, W6EB |

Jim, W6EU |

Bill, W6FA |

Ben, W6FDU |

Glenn, W6GJB |
Sid, W6JJW |

Frank, W6JTI |
John, W6JZH |
Robert, W6KR |

John, W6LD |

Chip, W6MY |

Jack, W6NF |

Dave, W6NL |

Oli, W6NV |

Steve, W6ONV |

Bob, W6OPO |

Glenn, W6OTC |

Phil, W6PK |
 Ron, W6PZA |
Bob, W6RC |

Bob, W6RGG |

Rick, W6RKC |

Curt, W6RQ |

Jim, W6SC |
Steve, W6SFK |

Rick, W6SR |

Kip, W6SZN |

Ian, W6TCP |

Dave, W6TE |

Ken, W6XB |

Josh, W6XU |
Paul, W7IV |

Dave, W8NF |

Bill, W9KKN |

Jeffrey, WA6KBL |

Mike, WA6O |
Stan, WA6ST |

Mike, WA6ZTY |

Bill, WB6CZG |
John, WB6ETY |

Bill, WB6JJJ |

Rich, WC6H |
John, WD6EIW |

Doug, WE6Z |

David, WJ6O |

Jeff, WK6I |

Al, WT6K |
 Dennis, WU6X |

Doug, WW6D |
Sheryl, WW6G |

Matt, WX5S |
 Bill, WX6B |

Jim, WX6V |

Mitch, DJ0QN |

Seppo, OH1VR |

Gary, VA7RR |

Niki, VE7NKI |

Jay, VY1JA |
Note: All photos were obtained from public sources or with permission from the original photographer. Special thanks to Bob (N6TV) and Marilyn (N6VAW) for use of their photo collections. |