The Jug

Newsletter of the Northern California Contest Club

April 1998

Mar 98 -- JUG Index -- May 98

George Daughters, K6GT, Editor

(W0YK and FrontPage take the blame in equal measure for any formatting weirdness caused by conversion from George's original copy.)

In This Issue:



DATE: Monday, April 13

At HP Santa Clara


Plan on attending the NCCC meeting on 13 April 1998! The agenda will include election of officers, and the program will be a "shootout" demonstration of the popular contest logging programs. Shmoozing and pizza will be at 6:30, and we get down to business at 7:00PM. As they used to say in the Chicagoland political machine, "vote early, and vote often!"

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President .... Andy Faber, AE6Y ...............
Vice President/CC ....... Bob Wilson, N6TV .........
Secretary/Treasurer ... Ed Muns, W0YK ...............

Directors ....
Carl Cook, AI6V ...
Bruce Sawyer, N6NT ...
Ken Silverman, K2KW ...
Jim Hollenback, WA6SDM ...

JUG Editor .... George Daughters, K6GT ...

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This is my swan song as a presidential columnist. I’ve enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you each month (although I suspect hardly anyone reads to the end of the column – on two occasions when I have offered prizes for a response to something published near the end, there has been only one taker. But since those "one takers" were different, I guess that gives me at least two faithful readers, hi).

It seems appropriate to mention some of the things that I think we accomplished together this year. Here are some of the highlights of this year, from my vantage point:

  1. My primary goal was to improve attendance and enthusiasm for the club, particularly at our monthly meetings. To this end, we worked hard to make the programs interesting and to encourage lively exchanges among the membership. I think we succeeded. Attendance never dipped below 30 at any meeting, and we had 50 plus at the January meeting in SF, and over 65 (counting NCDXC) at our joint meeting with NCDXC in February. We managed to put together interesting programs each month, without ever going to "outside" speakers.
  2. Another goal was to try to instill a greater sense of inclusiveness by moving the meetings around geographically. After several years of mostly meeting at the same sites in the South Bay, this year we met in SF, Oakland, Livermore, Pleasanton, Mountain View, Palo Alto and Santa Clara. This requires a lot of advance work and a modicum of thinking ahead, so thanks go to individuals who were willing to put in the time to arrange these various venues. My one regret is not being able to arrange a meeting in the central valley for our easterly members.
  3. A secondary goal to me (well, maybe in this listing a tertiary goal) was to put on a great CQP and try to take back our crown lost to PVRC in SS. CQP was indeed once again the premier state QSO Party, with almost 500 logs received and everyone happy about the improved conditions and correspondingly improved scores. Special thanks to Ed, W0YK for taking care of awards, Jim, x(es-WA6SDM) for major help with CQP and mailings, Bob, N6TV for getting the counties on as always, Al, AD6E for the log checking and putting together the results, and Bruce, W6OSP for the traditional CQP wine. Also a big thank you to all those who participated, particularly the county expeditioners who put on the rare counties.
  4. In SS, we worked hard, encouraged by Bob, K6XX’s excellent third edition of the SS handbook, and increased last year’s score by about 50%. This is a terrific showing in anybody’s book – unfortunately, it seems as though PVRC managed to win the numbers game and retain their laurels from 96. Even if we came in second, I’m proud of our effort.
  5. New Blood – there were lots of new members, even five at one meeting, to keep new ideas and viewpoints coming into the Club.
  6. By-laws revisions. The existing by-laws had served the Club well in the past, they were in need of some work. After several spirited BOD discussions, we put out a proposed revision that cleaned up some of the language and will help provide the foundation to help move the club into the new millenium.
  7. Increased communications with members was another priority. George, K6GT, did a terrific job this year putting out a very readable (except maybe for the poetry) JUG, and it was on time each and every month! This year our web site came on line, thanks primarily to the heroic efforts of Webmeister Dave, N6NZ. It’s a terrific site, which started out mainly as a CQP site, but is metamorphosing into an NCCC site also. He’s looking for helpers to carry on the good work, so contact him if you are interested.

Special Thanks

In addition to the people mentioned above, I want to give special thanks to board of directors members Bruce, N6NT, Jim NK6L, and Ken, K2KW, who came to several lengthy BOD meetings and gave unstintingly of their time and energies. It takes a surprising amount of work to run a club like the NCCC, and it can only be run successfully if a lot of people pitch in. I was fortunate this year to have help from many such willing workers.

Board slate

Under our by-laws, new officers are elected each year at the April meeting. Traditionally, the BOD proposes a slate of officers. Our proposal this year is as follows:

President: Steve Merchant, K6AW

Vice President/Contest Chairman: J.T. Utley, K7CO

Secretary/Treasurer: Al Maenchen, AD6E

All three have had several months to think about it since initially agreeing to be on the slate, so you can bet they are raring to go. We urge you to come out to the April meeting and give them your full support. Steve, K6AW, has also contacted three members to serve on the board of directors, in case he is elected. The following people have agreed to serve: Ken Silverman, K2KW; Al Crespo, NH7A; and Bob Wolbert, K6XX. Here’s a pome about that:

"The Slate"

Farewell to the presidency

Of beloved N-triple-C.

It’s been fun; you’ve been great.

Now welcome the slate:

AW, CO and 6E.

Upcoming Meetings

In April we will return to our normal second Monday date of April 13, at HP Santa Clara. This meeting features three main events: (1) Our usual schmoozing (oh, I mean camaraderie), (2) Election of new officers and Directors, and (3) The great contest software shootout featuring live demos of CT, NA and TR. This is a must program for anyone wanting to get their feet wet in modern contest logging (oh well, as modern as DOS programs can be, anyway – maybe at the meeting someone will explain why none of these expert programmers are using Windows. I made that comment last month. Thanks to Ed, K6CTA, for sending on some posts from the contest reflector on that subject, the general gist of which is that the programs work well as DOS programs and there isn’t enough money in it to develop a Windows version, particularly if they have to have two parallel versions).

See you in April!

73, Andy

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Michigan QSO Party

April 18 & 19, 1998

Sponsored by the Hazel Park ARC & the Eastern MI ARC

Operating Periods:

1800Z April 18 until 0300Z April 19

1100Z April 19 until 0200Z April 20.

Frequencies: CW - 1810, 3540, 3725, 7035, 7125, 14035, 21035, 21125, 28025, 28125; Phone - 1855, 3905, 7280, 14280, 21380, 28380; VHF - 50.125, 145.025, 146.55. Try 160 after dark on the even hours. No WARC bands, No Repeaters.

Exchanges: Exchange signal report, serial number and QTH (County for MI stations, state, VE province or DXCC country for others). Stations on county lines will give out ONE serial number per contact but all counties may be counted as multipliers. Work stations once per band and once per mode. Work mobiles again as they change counties.

Scoring: 1 point per phone QSO and 2 points per CW QSO. Duplicate contacts must be marked. QSO's with MI Club Stations count 5 additional points each. MI Clubs identify with /CLUB. 1997 MI clubs that were active were K8EPV, W8XXX, K8XXX, KK8U, W8JXU, W8YY, N8LC, W8MRM, W8TNO.

Multipliers: MI stations - sum of MI counties + states + VE provinces + DXCC countries worked - Max 85.

Others - sum of Michigan counties worked (max 83)

Final Score: Total Points X Total Multipliers

Entry Classes: Single Op, Multi-Op, QRP & Mobile. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at a time.

Awards: Plaques & Certificates

Logs & Dupe Sheets: Logs must be submitted on an official form or reasonable facsimile. Forms are available from EMARC. Entries with 100 or more QSO's MUST have dupesheets. Computer logs (NA, CT, etc.) must include a completed paper summary sheet. Please include $1.00 (US) with your log for a copy of the results, and to help defray the costs of mailing, printing, handling, etc.

Log Submission: Mail logs by May 31, 1998 to:


POB 611230

Port Huron, MI 48061-1230

E-mail logs by May 31, 1998 to


Attach an ASCII file <call>.prn or <call>.log and <call>.sum summary sheet.

73, Hank Kohl, K8DD

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Feb 1998 CW Sprint Scores


N6TV 334-46-15,364

N5KO 308-48-14,784

N6RO 318-44-13,992

W6RGG 271-45-12,195

VE7NTT 288-42-12,096

N7NG 290-41-11,890

K2KW 271-43-11,653

K6AW 260-41-10,660

N7TN 240-41- 9,840

W6CT 221-42- 9,282

total 121,756

Excellent job! I think this guarantees first, second or third, and a pretty good shot at first.


K7BV 278-43-11,954

K6CTA 140-30- 4,200

W6OAT 70-27- 1,890

K6KR had to work, and could not get on. Both AD6E and AE0M suffered power failures that kept them off the air. If I had known that Dennis, K7BV, was going to do so well, I would have put him on Team #1! At least he will be seeded correctly for September.

73, Scott, W6CT

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1997 Awards

Well, if you weren't one of the 43 attendees at the awards Banquet in March, you missed a great event. It was one of the largest turnouts I can remember. Some traveled from the far borders of club territory, e.g., Tom, K5RC, Midge, xx6xx?, Pat, W7UA, and Dan, K7BV all the way from Nevada. The food and venue were excellent, albeit a bit expensive. Our direction for next year is to find a nice location for less money--if you have suggestions, please forward them to the new officers whom you will elect at the next meeting!

The Contester-of-the-Year award went to Stan, K6WG, for his outstanding efforts in refurbishing the K6ZM club station back to tip-top shape. Several contests were operated from there as well this year. This award is for the person we deem to have contributed extraordinarily to the NCCC in all regards, not just contesting itself. Rookie-of-the-Year went to Denny, KX7M, for his enthusiastic first year with the NCCC and the many contest efforts he mounted. Most Improved Contester is Tony, AE0M, who put in many fine contest operations this year primarily in the multi-op mode. As Tony received the award at the banquet, he was truly surprised and openly admitted that he can recall previous years that wouldn't have qualified him for this fine recognition! Congratulations Stan, Denny and Tony for making the NCCC such a great organization.

The Sweepstakes "Big Gun" award went to Rich, N7TR, for his unbelievable 3,618 QSOs in the 1997 event (CW and Phone combined.) Rich took top honors in the Phone section and second place in the CW section across all entrants in the contest! He continues to make the club, not to mention his mother (!), very proud with his exceptional performances. Well, yours truly was certainly surprised to receive the "Little Gun" award this year. I certainly hadn't thought about it. My goal was to get on and make as many points for the club as possible. The plan was to have stacked tri-banders, a 2 element 40 and a rotatable 80 dipole. It took 3 times as much antenna work as planned and only netted a single tri-bander fixed east. I did load up the tri-bander on 40 and 80, an managed to work a few stations! With any luck, I'll be out of the "Little Gun" category next year, getting trounced by the other "Big Guns".

We still have tons of awards to get out to folks: letter openers ("slitters" in techno-speak), mouse pads, KB-500 certificates, KB-1000/2000/3000 plaques, CQP certificates, CQP plaques, wine and T-shirts. Please let me know if you will be at the next meeting on 13 April, so we can bring yours and save the club postage and volunteer time. We will also have the awards at Visalia where you can pick them up. Finally, if you would like a CQP T-shirt, we still have a few left. If you worked at least 100 stations in the 1997 CQP (or, will pledge to work at least 100 in the 1998 running of the contest), then you qualify to purchase a shirt for $10. Contact Al, AD6E, in the CQP T-shirt department for available sizes.

73, Ed / W0YK

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The TV Guide

There are lots of scores to report since last time! The club is competing in most contests, as well as WPX, so don't forget to put "NCCC" on your summary sheet!

Contest Calendar

CQWW WPX Contest Phone Mar 28-29

Japan Int. DX Contest Apr 10-12

CQWW WPX Contest, CW May 30-31

ARRL June VHF QSO Party Jun 13-15

All Asian DX Contest, CW Jun 20-21

ARRL Field Day Jun 27-28

IARU HF World Championship Jul 11-12

North American QSO Party, CW Aug 1-2

WAE DX Contest, CW Aug 8-9

North American QSO Party, SSB Aug 15-16

All Asian DX Contest, SSB Sep 5-6

North American Sprint, CW Sep 6

WAE DX Contest, SSB Sep 12-13

ARRL September VHF QSO Party Sep 12-14

North American Sprint, Phone Sep 13

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY Sep 26-27

California QSO Party Oct 3-4

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Oct 24-25

ARRL Sweepstakes, CW Nov 7-9

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, Phone Nov 21-23

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW Nov 28-29

ARRL 160-Meter Contest Dec 4-6

ARRL 10-Meter Contest Dec 12-13

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NCCC Scores

If you would like your score to appear in the jug, please send your claimed scores by E-mail to N6TV@KKN.NET, and copy AD6E@AOL.COM for 5meg award credit. You may also use packet or regular mail. (Please do NOT send your scores to the JUG editor!…ed)

1997 ARRL Sweepstakes - CW


N7TR 1397 79 220,726

W6NL 1293 79 204,294

N6RO 1260 78 196,560


1224 79 193,392

WC6H 1237 78 192,504


1204 79 190,232

N6TV 1219 78 190,164

N6NT 1189 79 187,862

AE6Y 1153 77 177,562

N6TU 1040 79 164,320

NI6T 978 79 154,524

N6DA 1012 76 153,824


953 79 150,574


906 79 143,148

WA6CTA 903 79 142,674

W6BSY 900 78 140,400

W0YK 874 78 136,344


808 79 127,664

K6XX 773 79 122,134

W6EU 763 79 120,554

K6RB 759 77 116,886

W6YL(AD6E) 105,028

K6GT 650 78 101,400


596 79 94,168

N6KD 569 78 88,764

W7DR 561 73 81,906

N7TN 515 74 76,220

AJ6V 500 75 75,000


485 76 73,720

KA6W 471 76 71,592

W6RGG 442 74 65,416

N6PN 400 77 61,600


404 75 60,600

K6BPB 365 73 53,290


309 79 48,822

K6UM 290 77 44,660

W6PLJ 303 72 43,632

K6PUD 285 68 38,760

AD6AY 272 71 38,624


246 76 37,392


241 74 35,668

W6ISO 205 68 27,880

N6NZ 179 62 22,196

AA6W 143 59 16,874


160 50 16,000

KM6F 119 51 12,138

N6EE 106 50 10,600

K7CO 64 39 4,992

N6BT 16 14 448

1997 ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB


N7TR 2301 79 363,558

WC6H 1866 79 294,828

N6TU 1551 79 245,058


1550 79 244,900

W6NL 1525 79 240,950

N6NT 1455 79 229,890


1351 79 213,458


1274 79 201,292

K6HNZ 1254 79 198,132

AE6Y 1206 79 190,548

W0YK 1183 79 186,914


1134 78 176,904


1085 79 171,430

KI6CG 1071 78 167,076

W6BSY 1034 79 163,372

K6BZ 1013 79 160,054

K6PU 1012 79 159,896

NH7A/W6 984 79 155,472

WX6V 944 79 149,152

NI6T 934 79 147,572


921 79 145,518

K6RB 790 77 121,660

N6KD 800 75 120,000

W6ISO 690 77 106,260


686 77 105,644

K6GT 653 79 103,174

K6UM 641 79 101,278

AC6DQ 638 79 100,804


570 76 86,640

W6YL(AD6E) 78,280

N6TV 538 72 77,472

K7CO 462 78 72,072

AK6L(+KD6NOS, +Pkt)

427 78 66,612

K6XN 404 78 63,024

N6UUG 424 72 61,056

W6IXP 334 70 46,760

K6EP 328 70 45,920

N6BT 326 69 44,988


272 78 42,432

WX6M 326 63 41,076

W7DR/M 263 78 41,028

N6JT 288 71 40,896

N6EE 239 77 36,806

K6BPB 248 68 33,728

K6XX 233 66 30,756

WA6CTA 220 62 27,280

AJ6V 169 58 19,604

AF7Y 127 55 13,970

WA0YQM 121 49 11,858


112 49 10,976

W6DPD 116 46 10,672

N6NZ 124 43 10,664

AD6AY 105 49 10,290

AA6W 109 46 10,028

N7TN 101 37 7,474

KM6F 86 42 7,224

KD6WW 68 33 4,488

N2ALE 75 29 4,350

K6ST 46 30 2,760

ARRL Sweepstakes - Club Totals

Entries Points

CW: 49 4,833,732

SSB: 59 6,025,978

Total: 108 10,859,710

1997 CQ World-Wide CW

Call QSOs Zones Ctrys Score Class



14978 188 658 31,863,744 M/M

KD6WW 512 103 225 481,504 SOAS


1139 38 103 407,772 20M


1138 33 101 374,798 15M

K6GT 427 82 142 257,824 SOHP

KA6W 598 37 109 247,324 20M

K6UM 350 93 151 233,996 SOLP

W6BSY 420 34 109 165,451 SOHP

W6PLJ 296 75 116 146,490 SOLP

W6ISQ 145 63 106 60,502 SOHP

W6BIP 79 45 65 22,110 SOHP

1997 CQ World-Wide SSB

Call QSOs Zones Ctrys Score Class


W6RGG, AE0M) 2857 143 382 3,654,525 M/M

VE1JX(K6HNZ) 2459 98 302 2,483,200 SO

N6CCL 450 107 258 435,445 SOAS

K6GT 424 77 133 228,690 SOHP

K6UM 364 80 146 218,090 SOLP

K6BZ 505 30 87 140,049 15M

W6PLJ 217 60 82 81,224 SOLP

K6XX 184 36 63 50,886

W6ISO 159 42 61 37,286 SOHP

W6ISQ(+Pkt) 71 39 55 16,450 SOAS

K6MA 7,800

AJ6V 46 28 30 5,858 SOAS

ARRL 10 Meter Contest

Call QSOs Mults Score Class


768 94 269,404 SO HP Mixed

K6HNZ 1110 70 155,400 SO HP SSB

W6ISO 463 88 108,592 SO LP Mixed

K6GT 432 84 100,128 SO HP Mixed

W6PLJ 316 80 76,640 SO LP Mixed

N2ALE 53 23 2,438 SO LP SSB

ARRL 160 Meter Contest

Call QSOs Mults Score Class

N6RO 727 82 126,690 SO HP

AJ6V 127 39 10,023 SO HP

K6UM 116 37 8,695 SO LP

W6PLJ 112 36 8,064 SO LP

1998 ARRL DX Contest - CW

Call QSOs Mults Score Class

KD6WW 1350 316 1,278,852 SO AS

AD6E 601 187 336,600 SO

K6III 575 194 334,068 SO AS

K6WG 727 153 332,775 SO HP

W6PLJ 392 137 160,701 SO LP

W6ISO 310 128 119,040 SO HP

K6UM 275 127 104,775 SO LP

K6GT 215 95 61,275 SO HP

N6TV 242 53 38,478 SO HP

K6GL 71 49 10,437

AJ6V 39 25 2,925 SO AS

1998 ARRL DX Contest - SSB

Call QSOs Mults Score Class


5205 312 4,871,880 SO


K6GV,KM6F,KX7M) 4,200,000 M/M


3790 2,900,000 M/S

K6GT 498 147 219,177 SO HP

W6ISO 437 166 217,626 SO HP

K6HNZ 721 100 216,300 20M

W6PLJ 440 132 174,240 SO LP

K6BZ 463 90 125,010 15M

K6GL 71 40 8,520

AJ6V 8 6 24


Call QSOs Mults Score Class

W6ISO 17,612

N2ALE 10 5 50

CQ 160

Mode Call QSOs Mults Score Class

CW W6PLJ 70 28 4,956 SOLP

SSB K6HNZ 347 54 44,496 SOHP

SSB W6PLJ 22 11 550 SOLP

CQ WW RTTY Contest

Call QSOs Zones Ctrys Score Class


1437 90 331 1,442,346 M/S

K6XX 96 26 51 18,942

North American QSO Party (NAQP)

Mode Call QSOs Mults Score Class

CW N6RO 869 231 200,739 SO

SSB WX6V 215 72 15,480 SO

That’s it for now. Remember, starting in May, you’ll be sending your scores to a new VP/CC!

73, Bob/N6TV

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The Battle
San Francisco

While cleaning out some old papers this afternoon I came across an envelope which Carl, AI6V had given me at the end of WRTC-96. Someone had placed it anonymously in Carl's briefcase, probably on Sunday afternoon during the pool party, but before the Awards Banquet. The envelope contained a poem. I think it is brilliant and I want to share it with all of you. And to the anonymous poet, whoever you are, my sincerest apologies for misplacing your envelope and accidentally allowing this gem to go unpublished until now.

Enjoy, de Rusty, W6OAT

Dedicated to the WRTC-96 Army:



We had gathered together

All boys of the ether

For a fracas, a folly, a fray

We came like the wind

By wing and by wheel

To the City that sits on the Bay

Bearing secrets and knowledge

Our wits and much baggage

To joust on the plains of the sky

Now to put up or shut up

No bluster or bragging

Our best we would give, do or die

One beam and one wire

Were all we were given

To vanquish our rivals and foes

On the plains ringing 'round

The still emerald waters

That from the Yosemite flows

With toasts and sweet insult

We greeted each other

As friends over drinks and a meal

All the better in battle

To gather more treasure

A sweet vict'ry surely to steal

The day it came dawning

We rose from our slumber

The running lust hot to be waged

Nervously waiting

The final few seconds

Sore ready to finally engage

The starting bell sounded

"To booty and plunder!"

We shouted a rallying cry

"To twenty and forty

We'll run 'em, by thunder

And sort it all out, bye and bye!"

The battle fantastic

No quarter was given

Was a frequency clear? Not a chance!



It was run three then pounce two

We tuned for our quarry

A frantic St. Vitus' dance

The totals they mounted

With each thrust and parry

The hours flew by in a dream

Rounding the home stretch

As evening befell us

You could hear from each valiant team

"Just one more, all comers"

They flurried and feinted

In a lather right to the end

Leaving no stone unturned

To pick up each straggler

No energy left to expend

And then it was over

The clock struck eleven

We lay winded and tired, through and through

To the judges submitted

Our record of conquest

There was finally nothing to do

Now here we sit waiting

The bronze, gold, and silver

The medals we quested so dear

Yet we know deep inside

Each team is a champion

Chosen the best of their peers

So rise up, ye hearties

For one final volley

To each master from so far away

Put together your hands

And call out your joy

Let your heart tell your hands how to play

Go back to your sweethearts,

Your friends and companions

Full of good friendship and fun

Farewell and Godspeed

Seven-three and best wishes

This epic is finally done!

73 de P0ET


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